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BHRT Therapy Treatment | 5 Hormone Therapy Types and Which Is Right For You

Are you in your 50s or 60s and experiencing hot flashes? Has your mood been shifting quickly or dramatically, or do you find having sex difficult? These symptoms could indicate menopause – it’s that time your reproductive systems shut off and become less efficient at reproduction.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can provide relief for symptoms of menopause. During menopause, your estrogen and progestin hormone levels begin declining, which causes some of its typical side effects, such as hot flashes or mood swings. BHRT therapy treatment may help alleviate some of those uncomfortable feelings associated with menopause as your estrogen and progestin hormone levels reduce. Hormone replacement therapy aims to boost levels of hormones that make menopause easier, improving both physical comfort and maintaining an enjoyable sexual life into your golden years.

One of the most commonly prescribed hormone therapies, estrogen therapy pills have quickly become one of the go-to solutions. Estrogen is one of the primary hormones produced in female bodies; its main functions include helping regulate periods, controlling vaginal lubrication and contributing to secondary female characteristics such as secondary female sexual characteristics.

Estrogen pills offer a simple and hassle-free solution for managing hormone levels. Most forms are taken once daily without food; others have more complex dosing regimens. Prior to beginning any form of estrogen, be sure to speak to a certified healthcare provider like NuFemme Medical Centers to ensure you’re effectively managing your levels.

Patches can also help raise estrogen levels effectively; simply apply one over your abdomen skin for several days up to a week at a time, and it slowly releases estrogen into your system without needing to remember to take pills on schedule. These patches are an excellent solution for individuals seeking lower doses; some patches can even be used solely as osteoporosis treatments rather than menopause management.

There are various topically applied estrogen preparations. Most commonly gels, creams and sprays used on arms and legs to absorb estrogen into bloodstream through skin are applied once daily; you should speak to your healthcare provider regarding dosage requirements for you personally.

Some topical estrogen treatments can be applied vaginally and are effective against vaginal dryness, itchiness or pain during sexual encounters. You can also buy vaginal rings and tablets which address similar issues; you should change these every 1-3 months as needed.

Progestin therapy is another popular hormone treatment choice. Progesterone or progestin should typically be combined with estrogen; alone, it could increase the risk for uterine cancer, while combined use could mitigate that risk. Like estrogen therapy, progestin treatments take the form of oral pills. Most doctors prefer natural progesterone over synthetic progestin because the latter causes more weight gain; additionally, it’s also often recommended as an excellent solution for people who suffer from high cholesterol.

There are various intrauterine progestin treatments that may work for those who want an alternative to daily pill take. Your physician inserts these devices through your cervix into your uterus, where they remain for years, releasing estrogen and progestin into your system – providing another effective means to manage symptoms associated with menopause or premenopause.

Progestin IUDs are not approved in the US as menopause treatments; however, they are sold and tested as birth control options and are safe. Your physician may suggest keeping it in through perimenopause if you own one of the Liletta, Kyleena, Mirena or Skyla IUDs.

Choosing an ideal hormone therapy type for you can be a personal decision, so speaking to your physician first should always be your top priority when contemplating this option. They’ll be able to advise which option best meets your risk factors, such as cancer, blood clots, high cholesterol and other medical concerns.

Your lifestyle needs should also play a part in selecting an effective treatment option. If you don’t wish to rely on daily pills for hormone therapy, patches or creams may work better, but for consistent, convenient doses of hormone therapy, oral treatments might be better suited.

Hormone therapy options can help ease the symptoms of menopause as you transition into your golden years. Estrogen and progesterone are among the most widely used hormones; however, there are various dose forms available, so speak with your physician regarding which would best meet the needs of both your body and lifestyle.

Are you seeking to improve your reproductive health? Visit one of NuFemme Medical Centers today and get ready to enjoy some of your most rewarding years yet with our personalized BHRT therapy treatment!


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