Women’s Rejuvenation Clinic
NuFemme Rejuvenation clinic in Green Bay, WI
If you’re here, you probably already know that as women age, hormones change and the regular balance of hormones shifts, which has a variety of health implications.
NuFemme Rejuvenation Clinic is a state-of-the-art medical clinic in Green Bay, WI, that provides treatments for women’s sexual health, including hormone replacement therapy.
There are many treatments and recommendations that women get from family, friends, primary care doctors, books, magazines and online. These vary from herbal to surgical, and everywhere in between. Somewhere in the middle lives bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that helps restore that balance to the levels of your youth so that you can feel confident and young once again.
Discover What We Do.
NuFemme in Green Bay is a comprehensive women’s health clinic? We work closely and privately with you so that you can live your absolute best life. Each woman is different and that’s why we work with you one-on-one to offer the compassionate medical treatments that fill you with new life.
Our goal is to provide the treatments and therapy that renew your energy, life and beauty. We understand that you deserve to have sustained health regardless of your age and work to bring you the services necessary to keep you healthy and beautiful.
Learn About the Benefits of our services
NuFemme’s Rejuvenation Clinic in Green Bay, WI starts with individualized testing, guided by licensed medical staff. A complete evaluation of your hormone levels, fitness, mood and blood work is used to create a completely individualized treatment plan that will ultimately give you:
- More energy
- Improved libido and sexual relations
- Better mood
- Enhanced focus
- Improved memory
Call 920-289-9090 and schedule your consultation at the Green Bay NuFemme Rejuvenation Clinic today.

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Our Services
Our state of the art medical center is designed to help women of all ages reach their full wellness potential. Our specialty trained medical staff is here with the latest treatments to rejuvenate your inner and outer wellness. We are specialists in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Sexual Health, and Anti-Aging Medicine. Our evidence based medical treatments are tailored to each patient’s individual needs and enable you to harness your full potential. Our goal is a healthier, younger, beautiful you.