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Medical Weight Loss for Women | Why is Weight Loss Different for Women?

Losing weight can feel unfairly challenging for women. While they might try a plan that worked well for someone else, you might still struggle. This is not due to a lack of willpower – women’s bodies handle weight loss differently. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone fluctuate throughout our lives, altering appetite, metabolism, and the way in which fat is stored. Women generally have lower Basal Metabolic Rates (BMR) than men at resting calorie burn. Understanding these unique challenges to developing an effective weight loss plan. By taking measures like managing hormonal fluctuations, tailoring nutrition to improve metabolism, and practicing stress reduction techniques, sustainable weight management may become part of your life, and you could achieve healthier living. As we offer tailored medical weight loss for women to address their unique conditions and requirements, we’d like to share some insight about our approach to effective medical weight loss that delivers lasting results.

Women’s bodies are complex systems of hormones that continually operate as intricate ecosystems, constantly orchestrating hormones to control weight regulation, appetite regulation and metabolism – from puberty through menopause. Estrogen, progesterone and leptin play key roles in orchestrating this intricate network. Estrogen drops dramatically during menopause and perimenopause, contributing to weight gain around the belly region as our bodies store and use fat more efficiently. Progesterone works alongside estrogen by simultaneously controlling appetite and metabolism. However, during the luteal phase (the week preceding your period), progesterone levels can spike and cause cravings and water retention to worsen. Studies reveal leptin, known as the “satiety hormone,” which sends signals of fullness directly to your brain, may become less sensitive in women over time and cause continued hunger pangs even after eating has taken place. Such hormonal fluctuations may impact weight loss efforts negatively, so it’s crucial for women to understand how their own unique influences may impact them.

Hormones aren’t the only factors at work when it comes to weight loss; women typically have lower basal metabolic rates (BMR) compared with men; this means their bodies burn fewer calories at rest, speeding up weight loss. Furthermore, female body composition typically favors fat over muscle; muscles typically burn more cals while fat burns fewer.

Modern life can be stressful, and chronic stress can wreak havoc on weight loss goals. Under stress, our bodies produce cortisol, which promotes fat storage around the belly area. Furthermore, inadequate sleep disrupts hormones like leptin and ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”), leading to cravings and decreased satiation levels—two critical components in helping you reach weight loss success.

Understanding these unique challenges allows our wellness centers to create personalized weight loss plans specifically designed for women. Here’s how we address the hormonal and metabolic factors that can hinder your progress:

As part of our efforts to help women maintain hormonal equilibrium, we may suggest making some dietary adjustments that support hormonal harmony, like increasing your intake of healthy fats, whole grains, and fruits to regulate estrogen levels. If necessary and in consultation with your physician, we may explore potential solutions such as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) treatments to correct imbalances that have arisen as part of menopause or premenopause treatment plans.

At NuFemme, our expert coaches will collaborate to craft a nutritious meal plan designed to promote lean muscle growth by increasing protein consumption and taking Vitamin and Fat Burning Injections because cutting back on calories will leave your body lacking the essential vitamins and minerals needed to remain healthy. B-12 injections with short—and long-acting release times and four lipotropic ingredients provide vital support in weight loss success. Our specialists at NuFemme offer a proprietary blend of injections, including these key supplements: short—and long-acting B-12, vitamin B-Complex with B-5 and B-6, and lipotropic ingredients—an invaluable aid towards long-term weight loss success!

Stress plays an integral part in weight loss. We recognize this and can guide you with stress management and lifestyle interventions to lower cortisol levels and promote weight management. We can also assist you with creating relaxing bedtime routines to ensure your body is receiving rest and accelerate your weight loss efforts. 

Our medical weight loss program goes far beyond simply prescribing meal plans; we understand the emotional rollercoaster associated with weight loss, so our comprehensive approach includes personalized coaching to keep you on the journey to weight loss success. Your personal weight loss coach understands the unique challenges women face and will offer tailored guidance and unflinching support. Our qualified healthcare professionals go far beyond generic meal plans. They will work closely with you to craft a tailored plan specifically to your individual needs and preferences while taking hormonal and metabolic considerations into account. 

A Tailored Approach Makes the Difference

Avoid taking a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss! Women often struggle to shed extra weight because hormones like estrogen, progesterone and leptin influence how we store fat, regulate our appetites and burn calories. Studies show that hormonal fluctuations and women’s naturally lower basal metabolic rates compared to men can often result in weight loss efforts reaching an impasse; however, understanding these unique obstacles to achieve sustainable success is important. At our wellness centers, we go beyond counting calories; instead, we create custom medical weight loss programs tailored specifically for you that address hormonal and metabolic needs. Our comprehensive approach to weight loss for women combines personalized nutrition, stress management strategies, and an encouraging atmosphere into one powerful package – so that you’re feeling empowered, energized, confident and in charge. Book your consultation with NuFemme today!


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