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What are the benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy a.k.a. butt pellets

As we enter into a new age of women’s healthcare, awareness and education is essential, especially as it pertains to treatment for menopause. Women have long been duped into believing that synthetically formulated pills, gels and creams is the most effective path to rejuvenating and restoring the female body to a state of optimal revitalization, however.  Synthetic medications are chemically enhanced and often mixed with substances such as horse urine (insert “YUCK” face here).  Furthermore, research shows that synthetic treatments, are ineffective for the long term, specifically creams or gels.  Women complain of having fluctuations in hormone levels with topical creams, as well as the risk factor of transference.  Since our metabolism does not recognize synthetic hormones, these treatments are shown to be nothing more than a waste of time and money.  Luckily, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) or “butt pellets” is a safe and natural alternative for women.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from all-natural ingredients, including soy beans and yams, and are formulated to mimic each hormone in your body; molecule for molecule. Once the pellets are compressed, a packet of pellets will then be delivered into the upper tissue of the buttocks, which is why The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fondly refers to this treatment as the “butt pellet.”  The pellets will be released into your system as your body communicates the necessity of each hormone.  “Butt pellets,” or Pellet therapy can last upwards of 6 months, depending on your biological and hormonal need.

Learn more about Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy and schedule a consultation with our women’s rejuvenation clinic in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Watch a pellet insertion procedure.


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